We have a varying participation. At the moment Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia(secretary), Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Catalonia, Lviv (Ukrain), Cherkassy (Ukrain) and The Netherlands (chair) participate in this group.
Curriculum Development
During the EFSCA annual meeting in Tallinn, the Working Group on Curriculum Development has reorganized.
The working group now divided into two groups. The first group deals with the topic of curriculum development. The subject of the study is on one side, a structured curriculum for firefighting training (non-academic education). On the other hand, there are curricula for officer training (academic education, bachelor, and master courses) – the group led by a team leader, which chaired by the EFSCA member from Belgium.
The second group lead by colleagues from Portugal. The working group deals with the topic of how software used in the process of training and training in the fire brigades.
The working group as the whole orient the activity based on a work plan. Essential components are surveys of the members of the association. For this purpose, surveys conducted among all EFSCA members about existing curricula and software used. The number of different documents or software products should be determined. Answers about the structure and the practical scope identified. The search for current sources of literature provides an overview of how the issues of curriculum design and the use of software in education discussed in the media.
The subsequent analysis of all collected information should lead to the Lessons Learned to determine. Furthermore, the analysis should determine the need for further developments. The working group plans to organize 1-2 half-yearly meetings. An important part of the work of the working group is the cooperation with the FEU.
Training for Volunteers of Fire Service
The specific character of volunteers as professionals and the different way’s they are organised in several countries all over Europe, leads to specific needs for their selection, education, training etc.
This working group is about the exchange and development of knowledge about certification, training, teaching and educational methods and technics, specially for voluntary Firefighters and first responders in Europe. This can o.a be done by research, exchange of experts, exchange of curricula, exchange experiences etc.
Innovation, Research & Development
The working group Innovation, Research & Development has two objectives.
- To (promote) international exchnage of knowledge for the fire service
- To (promote) interantional collaboration in research for the fire service.
Every year during the general assemblee of EFSCA we update the common topics of interest. During the year, we organize exchanges of experts on the common topics. We share research results by adding English abstracts to our reports. We have the aim of organising a pan-european network for knowledge exchange en collaboration for the fire service.